AP* Retreat, Manila
(in conjunction with APRICOT 2009)
Date: 22 February 2009
Venue: 'Cebu' room, Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila [map]
CCP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City, 1300 Manila, Philippines
Co-Chairs: Mr. Ching Chiao, DotAsia and Mr. Bayani Benjamin R. Lara, ASTI
Registration List
Contribution: USD50/USD100
Draft Agenda
08:45-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:10 1. Agenda Bashing
09:10-09:20 2. Roll Call
09:20-10:15 3. AP* Organizations and Meeting Reports (10-min presentation)
APNG and APNG Camp - Tommy Matsumoto & Wit Hmone Tin Latt [Presentation]
APCERT - Angel S. Averia, Jr. [Presentation]
APNIC - Paul Wilson [Presentation]
APTLD - Don Hollander
APIA/ APRICOT - Gaurab Raj Upadhaya [Presentation]
10:15-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-11:45 AP* Organizations and Meeting Reports (10-min presentation)
APAN - Shigeki Goto
APOPS - Philip Smith
ABS - Toru Takahashi [Presentation]
Dot Asia - Edmon Chung/ Ching Chiao
CanalAVIST & intERLab - Esmond D. Esguerra & Wit Hmone T. Latt
ISOC and its Bureau for South and Southeast Asia - Rajnesh D. Singh [Presentation]
11:45-12:30 Session I:
"Status of Internet in Japan" by Ryoichi Hosoya (15-min)
"IPv6" by MA Yan (20-min)
"IPTV - PPLive" by James Seng (10-min)
12:30-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 Session II:
Keynote "Internet Security" by Ram Moham, ICANN board; CTO Afilias (30-min)
"AP Contributions in Shaping the Future of ICANN" by Norbert Klein (20-min)
"ISIF Programme" by Paul Wilson (10-min) [Presentation]
15:00-15:15 Session III:
Philippine Open Internet Exchange - Bayani Benjamin R. Lara (15-min) [Presentation]
15:15-15:30 Coffee Break
15:30-16:00 AOB and Future Meetings
18:30-20:30 AP* Participants and DotAsia members Joint Dinner