

1. Introduction

AP* is the Community of Asia Pacific Internet Organisations mooted in 1998 and the mailing list set up in Nov 1998.

Key Leaders from the following Organisations are invited to participate

1. APNG Asia Pacific Networking Group
2. APNIC Asia Pacific Network Information Center
3. APTLD Asia Pacific Top Level Domain Name Forum
4. APIA Asia & Pacific Internet Association
5. APAN Asia Pacific Advanced Network Consortium
6. APPLe Asia Pacific Policy and Legal Forum
7. APRICOT Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies
8. APDIP Asia- Pacific Development Information Programme PAN/IDRC
9. INFITT International Forum for IT in Tamil
10. APBioNet Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network
11. ccTLD secretariat
12. AI3 Asia Internet Interconnection Initiative and others

It is an Asia Pacific Federation of AP* Internet organisations with the coverage as indicated below:

* APNG - Research and strategic overview
* APNIC - numbers
* APTLD - names
* APPLe - Policy legal
* APIA - trade and industry
* APRICOT - training and education in operations
* APAN - Advanced Networks and Advanced Networking technologies
* AP-ISOC - user membership (not yet formed but I have an APNG chairman's commission to look into this)
* APBioNet - domain specific areas such as bioinformatics

2. AP* Vision

The vision of AP* is to provide a strong united front for all Asia Pacific internet organisations to deal with International issues of governance, administration, management, research, development, education, public awareness of the Internet

3. AP* Role as AP*

AP* secretariat would

a. Act as International Liaison with other AP*organisations
b. Will provide a framework for the AP* organisations
c. Would provide an environment such that it is a spawning group for new AP* organisations
d. Will foster creation of International bodies such as MINC
e. Will host international secretariats such as DNSO Secretariat , ccTLD constituency secretariat (more)

4. Background and objective of AP*

i. Bangkok Meeting
2000.10.20 Friday 1300 - 2000.10.21 Saturday 1200 AP* Retreat
ii. Seoul Meeting
27/02/2000 AP star retreat (closed meeting) 0930-1800 HRS
Place: Rose (2nd floor), Sheraton Walker Hill, Seoul

iii. APSTAR Retreat
in Yokoham Time: Sunday, July 16, 13:00--1800
Place: Pacifico Yokohama, Room #411 and #412

5. How we could improve networking within AP* organizations.

APIA - industry people
APPLe - legal and policy and regulators
APNG - researchers and founders?!!
APccTLD - names people www.apng.org/apcctld
APNIC -numbers people
APDIP - UN developing country people www.adip.net
PAN - IDRC developing country people

"Asia Pacific's Role in the future of Internet Governance"

APNIC - AP's Role in the Future of Internet Governance of IP Addresses
APIA - AP's Role in the Future of Internet Governance of E-Commerce
APccTLD - AP's Role in the internationalisation of Domain Names etc

This could be a platform for us to inaugurate a powerful Federation of Asia Pacific Internet Organisations (FAPIO)

Annex: Early document on AP* Joint Secretariat authored by Kilnam Chon, 2000.4.8

AP* Joint Secretariat - assessment and proposal

At AP* Retreat, we discuused on AP* Joint Secretariat, and decided to develop in Singapore and Hong Kong. We need to develop one now to host new organizations as well as the existing organizations, and Singapore is the first site to work on the development, and plans to bid for ccTLD Interim Secretariat in two weeks as well as MINC Secretariat in April-June. Other sites such as Hong Kong, Korea, and Thailand are expected to complement the initial Joint Secretariat in Singapore in various capacities.

Here is the current status and plan for AP* organization secretariats according to my assessment.

APNG in Waseda, Japan expected to be serviced by Jt Sec, but need funding.
APNIC in Brisbane, Australia looking for some formal representation at some Joint Secretariat site as appropriate.
APTLD in KAIST, Korea expected to be serviced by Jt Sec when it is ready, possibly in August.
APIA in Tokyo, Japan keep the current arrangement.
APbionet in Singapore expected to be serviced by Jt Sec immediately.
APAN in KAIST, Korea keep the current arrangement at KAISt, possibly until August 2001.
AP* Retreat in KAIST, Korea expected be serviced at AIT in Bangkok starting immediately.
AI3 in Keio/NAIST, Japan keep the current arrangement.
APRICOT in Roaming(KL in 2001) keep the current arrangement.
MINC: Jt Sec bids to host the secretariat.
ccTLD: Jt Sec bids to host the interim secretariat.
others: expected to be serviced upon request or coordinate the service.

We need to form AP* Joint Secretariat in Singapore first with the following;

1. Founding Universities and Organizations (as Interim Board)

NUS, KAIST, AIT, Keio, Waseda, (more)

2. Sponsors

2.1 NICs
2.2 Non-commercial organizations
2.3 Commercial organizations

3. Task Force to Develop Joint Secretariat

Singapore: Tan Tin Wee, YJ Park, Gita, Helen Soh, Rosa Tan
Korea: Kilnam Chon
Thailand: Kanchana Kanchanasut
Japan: Shigeki Goto, Jun Murai
Hong Kong: Pindar Wong
Australia: Paul Wilson

4. Schedule

2000.4.11 First Draft
2000.4.18 Second/Consensus Draft
4.19 ccTLD Interim Secretariat Bid
4.6 MINC Secretariat Bid

5. Issues

5.1 Funding
    Need seed money of $50K-100K immediately.
5.2 Manpower
    Need to staff to work on ccTLD and MINC secretariat as well as other staffs immediately.

6. Remark (from Prof.Tan Tin Wee)

AP* to monitor the progress.
We may have (monthly) teleconferencing as well as email list at AP* and Joint Secretariat.

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