AP* Retreat Meeting Report
25 February 2001, Kuala Lumpur,
Location: PWTC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Participants: Prof. Toru Takahshi, Prof.Tan Tin Wee, Prof. Kilnam Chon, Byung Kim, Chen Wen Sung, Hirofumi Hotta, Hualin Qian, Oliver Nicole, Shigeki Goto, Jeongjun Seo, Albert Wang, Yu Yang, Shoba Ranganathan, Subramaniam D, YJ Park, Paul Wilson, Narayanan_A, Rikio Onai, Makiko Matsumaru, Lim Choon Sai, Kyoung.S.H, Hye-Young
Meeting started at 9:00 (local time)
The meeting discussed following topics:
The meeting chair Shigeki Goto expressed his thanks to all meeting participants. He asked the participants to review the agenda. After discussion participants were agreed on basic agenda follow by in minutes.
1.Expanded Definition of AP* Memberships
In AP* Retreat meeting there was a discussion on membership. After discussion members was agreed on this basic structure.
Clarification and Formalization of Membership
Category 1
Asia Pacific Organizations
Key leaders of these organizations are regular participants of the AP* Retreat as permanent members of AP*. All permanent members have a standing invitation to the AP* Retreat.
1.1. Formal List of AP* Members:
APNG | Asia Pacific Networking Group | www.apng.org |
APNIC | Asia Pacific Network Information Center | www.apnic.net |
APAN | Asia Pacific Advanced Network | www.apan.net |
APBioNet | Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network | www.apbionet.org |
APDN | Asia Pacific Domain Name forum | www.apdn.org |
APIA | Asia & Pacific Internet Association | www.apia.org |
APRICOT | Asia Pacific Regional Internet Conference
For Operating Technologies |
www.apricot.net |
APTLD | Asia Pacific Top Level Domain forum | www.aptld.org |
AI3 | Asia Internet Interconnection Initiative | www.ai3.net |
AP JS | Asia Pacific Joint Secretariat | www.jtsec.org |
APDIP | Asia Pacific Development Information Program | www.apdip.org |
1.2. Invitation List
APOPS | Asia Pacific Operations Forum | www.apops@lists.apnic.net |
APAMI | Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics | www.aims.org.sg/apami |
1.3. Dormant List
APPLe | Asia Pacific Policy and Legal Forum | www.apng.org/apple/ |
AP* next generation ? |
1.4. Nascent List
APSIRC | Asia Pacific Security Incident Response Coordination Forum | www.apsirc.org |
Category 2
International Organizations related to or affiliated to Category 1 members
Key leaders of these organizations are invited to participate in AP*
activities in their liaison role with AP*.
INFITT | International Forum for IT in Tamil | www.infitt.org |
IDRC | PAN Asia Networking / IDRC | www.panasia.org.sg |
MINC | Multilingual Internet Names Consortium | www.minc.org |
From time to time, observers are invited to AP* Retreat Meetings.
Category 1
Should not be designated the Secretariat
Official Standing Invitation should be sent to all category 1 members |
Category 2
Invitation to be sent out regularly
From time to time, new Asia Pacific Internet or related organizations will be invited to join and participate. |
2. AP* Vision
The vision of AP* is to provide a strong united front for all Asia Pacific Internet organizations to deal with International issues of governance, administration, management, research, development, education, public awareness and other related aspects of the Internet.
3. AP* Retreat Secretariat font>
In AP*Retreat meeting participants raised the issue that AP* sec is not working as apstar sec for all AP* organizations. In response to that question Prof. Kilnam Chon said according to my knowledge Dr. Kanachana has only AP* Retreat sec and her responsibility is only to organize two meetings per year. Most participants disagreed with Prof. Kilnam 's opinion. Some participants suggested that if Dr. Kanchana is not running AP* sec then we should try to make a new secretariat for AP* organizations. However, After discussion everybody agreed that Dr. Kanchana should keep AP* secretariat and we should try to help her. Participants said that there is a lack of coordination amongst members’ organizations. They wanted that AP* secretariat should do networking and coordination amongst all AP* organizations. They wanted from AP* sec to make a master plan for all relevant meetings. AP* sec should collect information related to meetings, schedule, and newsletter from each organization and then distribute it to all partner organizations. Or AP* sec host some meetings for AP* organizations. The participants were agreed that the coordination is carried out by the AP* Retreat Secretariat. This is different from the AP Joint Secretariat. Participants were agreed on these points.
AP* Retreat secretariat would
a. | Act as the international liaison with other AP* organizations |
b. | Provide a framework for the AP* Organizations |
c. | Provide an environment that it is a spawning ground for new AP* organization |
d. | Foster creation of international bodies such as MINC |
e. | Work with AP Joint Secretariat (JtSec) which hosts international secretariats such as DNSO Secretariat,ccTLD constituency secretariat |
f. | Coordinate meetings and events of AP* Internet organizations, production of master calendar of events for harmonization and synchronization and avoidance of collisions. |
4. Reports from AP* Retreat Members
All AP* members presented their reports.
4.1 Report by APNIC
delivered by Paul Wilson, Director General
Rapid growth and soon,
the largest Registry of Internet resources.
4.2. Report by APNG
Report given by Rikio Onai, APNG
APNG is historically the mother organization
of AP* organizations.
4.3. Report by APAN
Report given by Professor
Kilnam Chon, Director APAN
Research and education
high performance network
1Gbps aggregate out
of AP Region including Transpac project.
Europe transatlantic
approximately 2Gbps
Key problem with intra-continental
linkages 2 or 3 orders of magnitude lower approx T1 or E1 1 to 2 Mbps links
Europe is going up from
TEN155kbps to 622kbps.
Intra-continental Links
APII Korean APEC initiative
AI3 Japanese satellite
e-ASEAN initiative.
JP-SG may be disconnected
KR-JP 8Mbps
KR-EU 45Mbps
Agriculture Earth Monitoring
WG leading globally
4.4 Report by APBioNet
Report was delivered by Vice President, Professor Shoba Ranganathan.
4.5. Report by APDN
Report verbally given by Kilnam Chon.
Organization is somewhat dormant, emerging
from APTLD.
APTLD covering ccTLD
APTLD not covering DNSO
Therefore APDN was initiated to cover DNSO
just like APNIC is covering APDN
APx to cover PSO
Commercial Group and Non-Commercial constituency
(NCC) Group of APDN
YJ Park delivered the report on the NCC of
4.6. Report by APIA
Report was given by Hiro Hotta, new
Chairman of APIA.
Reorganization of Roles of Chairman, Board
and Secretary General
Secretariat moved to RIIS, Japan.
Decline in membership because of non-payment.
Membership restructuring
4.7. Report by APRICOT
Report was given by B K Kim, Chair of Fellowship
Committee of APRICOT 2001.
Secretariat moved to KRNIC on interim basis
4.8. Report by APTLD
Report was delivered by Chen Wen-Sung, APTLD Secretariat from TWNIC
4.9. Report by AI3
Report was given by Olivier Nicole and Shigeki Goto for Jun Murai.
5. AP*’s Comprehensive Range
of Primary Sphere of Activities
Industry, e-Business and e-Commerce | APIA |
Legal and Policy, Governance and Management | APPLe |
Research and Academic, Founder status | APNG, APAN, AI3 |
Advanced Networking | APAN, AI3 |
Internet Domain Names | APTLD, APDN, MINC |
Internet Numbers | APNIC |
Developing Countries | APDIP, PAN/ IDRC |
Conference, Education and Training | APRICOT |
Operations | APOPS |
Security | APSIRC |
Administration and Coordination | AP Joint Secretariat, AP* Retreat Secretariat |
Language-specific | INFITT |
Discipline-specific | Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Network (APBioNet)
Asia Pacific Association for Medical Informatics |
6.Outreach and awareness
ByuingKuy Kim provided information on AP* out-reach and awareness activities.
He informed the participants that in last AP* Retreat meeting (Bangkok)AP*
Outreach Program was Proposed and in Nov. 2000, APTLD-LA they discussed
the status of AP* Outreach Program. So far, since Oct. 2000, we had two
out-reach programs(in NZ, India). In response to his report Prof. Kilnam
asked him to explain whether this is under AP*or is this a different organization.
He said that after this presentation I had feeling that you are running
a separate AP*organization if its like this we can make a new organization
as AP* Outreach and Awareness organization. Prof. Kilnam asked the participants
for their opinion on this issue. In response to Kilnam question Paul Wilson
said that each organization has its own Outreach Program. APNIC has some
money to spend on outreach and awareness activities and they try to arrange
one workshop once a month, so they discussed with ByungKyu Kim and with
his help we arranged these workshops. Prof. Kilnam said that AP* Sec could
be helpful to coordinate outreach and awareness activities. Participants
agreed that AP* Outreach Program will work jointly with local organizers
such as APTLD, APNIC, MINC, APRICOT, ccTLD, etc.
7.Network Technology / Engineering Workshop (of ISOC)
Olivier Nicole presented the AIT proposal. There was questions regarding time management and curriculum. Under this proposal Prof. Kilnam chon commented that it will be good to organize this workshop in April. Or it could be in August, just before the APAN Meeting in Penang. He also suggested that we should follow ISOC curriculum and asked them for Instructors. Prof. Kilnam chon also asked that how the workshop would differentiate for example like CISCO. In response to these questions Mr. Olivier explained that they intend to invite people like CISCO as instructors, and they would offer broader content. It will not be limited to one vendor only, so attendees can adapt to any brand of equipment. Paul Wilson commented that ISOC used to collocate with a big conference, so attendees can develop many contacts in the conference. As there is a large need in the region, a two level training could be a good idea. Where the Internet Training center train the trainers, this could allow to draw support from development organizations like the Bank of Development. He also said that we can organize first workshop in AIT but after that we should think to collate with some other conference. It might be possible that we can arrange with APRICOT each year. On these suggestions Mr. Olivier replied that AIT would not have the technical staff to move around the equipment each year and install a new laboratory in the conference premises. After discussion it was agreed that the staff could be found.
8.New gTLDs including .asia
On gTLDs issue Prof. Kilnam said that .asia could be a good gtld like.eu . He also mentioned that .council is pro-active, or Taiwan, China and Hong Kong can think it but Korea and Japan are not interested in this company. They could use it in North Asia we can't control all these companies.
9.ICANN & ccTLd Contract Workshop
In meeting participants also discussed on ICANN & ccTLD contract workshop. Chen Wen Sung provided the information on this workshop. APTLD is going to host this meeting on 11th March, 14:00 – 19:00 PM. The basic issues are
a. to discuss impact of ICANN contract proposal
on ccTLD,
b. .cp, .jp , .au case studies.(Background and
c. ICANN Contract Proposal Acceptable?
d. Legacy Model, Trilateral Model or other
e. Other Issues related to ICANN contract?