Dr. Kanchana Kanchanasut, Prof. Toru Takahashi, Prof. Xing Li, Prof.
Kilnam Chon, Byung Kim, Dr. Vincent W.S. Chen, Hirofumi Hotta, Prof.
Shigeki Goto, Jeongjun Seo, Shoba Ranganathan, Subramaniam D, Ms.YJ
Park, Paul Wilson, Seung-Yeon Yoo, Suguru Yamaguchi, Shahid Akhtar,
Dr.Abhisak Chulya, Prof. YJ Park, Ranie Lee, Jeongjun Seo, Pensri
A., Natchana P., Faraah Zubair
Meeting started at 8:30 A.M (local time)
The meeting
discussed following topics:
The meeting chair Prof. Kilnam Chon expressed his thanks to all
meeting participants. He asked the participants to review the agenda.
After discussion participants agreed on basic meeting agenda. The
minutes follow the sequence of meeting agenda.
on AP* organizations secretariat activities.
All AP* members presented their reports.
Report by APNG
Report presented by Prof. Xing Li, APNG Secretariat
1.2 Report by
Report presented by Paul Wilson, Director General
Rapid growth and soon, the largest Registry of Internet resources
Staff ( Six persons)
Financial Growth ( budget around 3 million US$ per year)
Meeting (Open policy and Annual member meetings)
Regular training once per month ( next year 2 per month)
Joint Collaboration (with APTLD and AP Outreach)
IP allocation
On line numbers used by Internet engineering community.
APNIC news latter and other publication
1.3. Report by APAN
Report presented by Professor YJ Park
Research, education high performance network
Agriculture Earth Monitoring WG leading globally
Global interconnectivity and collaboration
1.4. Report by
Report presented by Shoba Ranganathan,
Internet: APBionet & APAN
InCOB 2002 Conference in Bangkok Feb 2002 supported by APBioNet
Forum on
BioPathways consortium,
I3C Informatics Interoperability consortium
BioOntologies consortium
WEB01 Bioinformatics Education
Bioinformatics Open Source Consortium
1.5. Report
Dr. Abisak, chairman of organizing committee presented the report
Next APRICOT will be held in Bangkok during 3 -7 March 2002. To
be Hosted by NECTEC
Fellowship program
*To attract network builders and top decision-makers that are not
available in
fund in developing countries.
*Committee members select fellows based on fairness and transparency.
*10 % from sponsorship funds would go to this program if agreed
by sponsors
and they would optionally have seats in the Fellowship Committee.
1.6. Report
Report presented by Dr. Vincent W.S. Chen
243 ccTLDs around the world.
Working Groups
WGs Mailing List
Issue (IDN)
Incorporated APTLD
Outreach and Awareness
Work with other Regional NICs
Direct dialogue with ICANN
APTLD - ICANN meeting in Hawaii
ICANN Contract WS in Melbourne
Report by AI3 / WIDE
Report presented by Suguru Yamaguchi.
1.8. Report
Report was given by Mr. Hirofumi Hotta.
Interim secretary General ( Kyoko day)
Finance (Funds by membership fee)
Publishing the newsletter
Liaising endorsement/participation of conferences
Endorsement and participation in 2001:
Communic Asia 2001
1.9. Report
by AP Outreach
Report presented by BK Kim
AP* region needs Outreach and Awarence
Provide information and Discuses ICANN and IT related issues
Funding( from APTLD, APNIC KRNIC, from local host
2. Report
of the related secretariats
Report by MINC
Report presented by Ms. Ranie Lee
Facilitating Multilingualisation of Internet Names
Internationalization of Internet Names Standards and Protocols
Inauguration of Newly elected MINC Board Members(Montevideo, September
New Members Committed to Join
---NEW.NET as a Small Member
---RIIS as a Small Member
Watchdogging the Standardization Process of Internet Domain Names
Encouraging Discussion and Research on Multilingual Internet Names
2.2. Report
by ccTLD
Report presented by Ms. Seung-Yeon Yoo.
Permanent ccTLD secretariat
Staff Members
ccTLD web site ( transferred to Korea)
ccTLD mailing list and Web archives
Publicizing, promoting and encouraging development activities
Organizations services for ccTLD meetings
Editing and preparing the various official documents of the ccTLD
Constituency for publication,
Election and Voting
2.3. Report
Report presented by Mr.Subramaniam .D
Develop norms and standards for Tamil computing
Identify and facilitate key applications for development of Tamil
Represent global Tamil Diaspora in IT world activities
Co-ordinate efforts among various Tamil IT groups
Promote Tamil IT among Tamil Diaspora
Tamil Internet 2001 Conference(26 - 28 August 2001)
Discussion on Coordination Issues
In relation to the meeting calendar, the issue of coordination
was raised and it was emphasized that we need to do coordination
weekly and update information on daily and weekly basis. AP* Retreat
sec should try to improve meeting schedule.
Comments from AP* Retreat sec. The secretariat maintains information
on AP* web site. So, if any one wants updated information about
related meetings, they should visit this web site.
APNIC can also help in announcements. Maybe we can subscribe
APNIC announcement mailing list for all related meeting information.
In case of a meeting in a certain country, the country level
organization can be requested to support.
Newsletter and other documents should be sent to AP* retreat
sec so that they could distribute this information.
We should try to hold simultaneous
meetings, so that more and more people can participate in them.
4. AP Joint Secretariat Interim Board
In this meeting participants also discussed regarding the board
structure. After discussion participants were agreed on these
names. It was also decided that in next AP* Retreat meeting which
will held in Feb 2002 at AIT, Bangkok, we will have election for
new board members.
AP Joint Secretariat
Interim Board
Toru Takahashi, Chairman
of the Board
Hiro Hotta, APIA
YJ Park , MINC
Prof. Xing Li, APNG
Paul Wilson, APNIC
Dr. Vincent W.S. Chen, APTLD
Prof. Tan Tin Wee, AP Bionet
* Prof. Tan Tin Wee recommended Mr.Subramaniam
.D as board member on his place.