AP* Retreat, Tokyo, Japan
22 January 2006
Venue: Akihabara Convention Hall, Tokyo
Co-Chairs: Zita Wenzel and Atsushi Endo
Main Theme: "AP* Retreat Retreat"
Online registration (Closed)
Contribution: USD50/USD100
Agenda (ver.8 2006/1/17 by Zita)
09:00-09:10 1. Agenda Bashing
09:10-09:20 2. Roll Call
09:20-10:20 3. AP* Organization and Meeting Reports
APAN - Shigeki Goto
APCERT - Jack YS Lin
APEET - Hiro Hotta
APNetabuse/APCAUCE - Takaaki Higuchi
APNG - Okhwa Lee
APNIC - Naruni Nimpuno
10:20-10:50 Coffee Break
10:50-11:30 AP* Organization and Meeting Reports (continued)
APRICOT/APIA - Ole Jacobsen
APRU - Zita Wenzel
APTLD - Ohashi Yumi
AIII/SOI-Asia - Shoko Mikawa
AP* Retreat Secretariat - Wit Hmone
Dot Asia Organization - Che-Hoo Cheng
intERLab - Kanchana Kanchanasut
11:30-12:30 4. History of the AP* Retreat
Introduction - Toru Takahashi
- Sharing of what the AP* Retreat has done and
- Sharing of what the AP* Retreat has achieved
12:30-14:00 Lunch (@1,400JPY)
14:00-14:45 5. The Internet in the AP region
Introduction - Atsushi Endo and Zita Wenzel
- The Internet-related organizations in the AP region
- What issues does/will the Internet in AP have
- Are those issues covered by some organization?
+ covered by existing organizations?
+ can the AP* Retreat address these issues?
14:45-15:45 6. Future of the AP* Retreat
Introduction - Hiro Hotta and Zita Wenzel
- What should the AP* Retreat do?
+ sharing information among organizations?
* inspiring each other
* best practices
+ suggesting future directions?
- How formal should the AP* Retreat be?
15:45-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16:30 7. AP* Retreat Report in the APAN General Assembly
16:30-17:00 8. Any Other Business and Future Meetings
18:00-20:00 Dinner (@your own cost)
Useful Information
- Accommodation
- Visas
Visa Information Form (xls)
Updated: 23/1/2006