AP* Retreat Meeting Report
Meeting Chair:Suguru Yamaguchi
List of Participants
Date: 2 March 2002, AIT Canter,Bangkok,Thailand
Starting with report from APNG camp
by Prof.Xing
Keynote speakers
1.Prof. Shigeki Goto (History
of APNG)
2.Dr. Kanchana Kanchanasut (AP* organizations)
3.Prof. Kilnam Chon (Internet:
Asian Perspective)
The meeting was attended by 28 participants from 8 countries (more
ladies than men 14:12) and non-engineering
background (2:1 ratio).
The issues discussed include IPv6, ccTLD, ICANN, multilingual DNS, Education
and training, Women, directory, etc.
Participants decided to keep the tradition of APNG going. This is comprised
upon open membership structure, training environment for the next generation
Internet leaders in Asia Pacific region, interdisciplinary approach. However,
agreed that missing parts should be filled.
New working groups
1.(interim Chair, YJ Park). The discussion mainly focused on ICANN
structure and ICANN Reforms presented
by CEO of the ICANN.
2. Two BOFs- Internet connectivity (Chair, Prof. Toru Takahashi) and another
on Internet statistics (Chair, Shuang Zhu)
APNG promotion (APNG secretariat) and APNG BOF on gaming (APNG
sub WG). It was discussed that there is a
need to bring all Asian economies in this group. Next APNG camp- Joint meeting
will be held on August 29, 2002 in
Shanghai, China.
Lessons learnt. China America networking
symposium (CANS)- activity between CERNET and Maryland University
and Internet 2 activity. (APAN meeting was to be held in Aug and so their meeting
before APAN on 26-28 is the next
generation Internet (Internet 2 people).Distance learning (many initiatives
in Asia Pacific and want to discuss how to
coordinate these efforts APEC working group-Association of Pacific Rim Universities-
headquarters in Southern California- Annual distance learning conference-APNG
working group on education-). China and Korea- to see how they can help as network
specialist.- do research gathering to see what everyone is doing.
APNIC encouraged to have their meeting as well.
Discussion on AP Next Generation meeting in Shanghai, creation
of a coordination committee to ensure smooth overlap
between meetings and interest groups-cluster group. Also want to get next generation
Internet groups to be involved.
WG on Internet Governance- YJ Park presentation
· To deepen the understanding about Internet Governance
· To enhance Asia' leadership'
· To issue "comments from Asia" in response to ICANN Reformation
· To issue informational documents on the relations between the governments
and Internet community in Asia
· Responses from RIPE, NICE (- at large members issues) so far already
Scope of WG
· To define Internet Governance review ICANN reformation proposal with
· To draft response
· To enhance relations between Internet community and governments in
· To outreach Asia governments actively
EU and ccTLD have good relations with their governments but don't
have that in Asia since no collective efforts
(except maybe for ASEAN and APEC)- not right forum on entire Asian issues.
WG will write the joint positions paper within March and will
send the agreed document to each government.
In May- interim report on relations between Internet community and governments
in Asia will be produced. Some
participants raise the issue that it should not be a WG, it should be a Task
force. After discussion all participants
were agreed on task force.
Members of Task Force
APNIC- Anna Mulingbayan
APTLD- Albert Wang
China- TBD
Japan- Yumi Ohashi and Hiro Hotta
Korea- Hyeyong , Jeonghoi, Seungyeon
Pakistan- Faraah Zubair
Taiwan- Joanna Tso
Thailand- Pensri.A.
Sri Lanka Gihan Dias
Mailing list- wg-ig@apng.org
Chair election AP* retreat on March 2nd. (was postponed due to some members
arguments that AP* Retreat is not a
place for APNG WG election)
Liaison member- each Asia government
Forum- eASEAN, APEC, ASEM, etc
Group discussion on "ICANN- Reformation
proposal by Stuart Lynn (CEO of ICANN)"
Despite impact to own region, not consulted with, CCTLD and RIRS and cold should
Stuart concerned -geographical diversity- at large
Is ICANN ordinary? reformation may make more sense but
.ICANN as political
entity with obligation to make best
efforts between different parties
..Not excuse as a pseudo company
Since Nov. 1998, initiative presenter by DoC to form a international coordination
body of Internet, before that made by
DoC- After the 3 years, finally admitted experiment a failure
experiment, agreement introducing competing
registrars system, UDRP, and
..ICANN difficulty to sign agreement with
ccTLD (only 2 signed on). -Australia and
. Stuart admitted current structure will not work- top down style
not make consultation process as mandatory
..can bypass community processes
in name of efficiency
..since no close channel with DoC and ICANN secretariat
reformation proposal will make Asian voice harder to hear anything
express anything etc.
Most participants not read the proposal yet. So they all agreed
that we should read the proposal first and then send our
comments to ICANN.
The strategy for future can propose, should include counterproposal, and counter
structure, how really help. have inroads
to ICANN Board members in Korea and Japan, we can lobby for that, as well as
Stuart and Andrew will be keynote
speech at APRICOT so we can discuss with them as AP Group.
Since Asia Pacific has not been well represented and so this will make their
position stronger.
Prof. Kilnom- One view- why one view from region? Why not several
voices? We have a concern about this one. We
have to express our opinion. E,g, concern about ICANN.
AP* Retreat should not have an organizational structure
..only then
you go beyond, we are undercutting other
organizations such as APNG. Come up with statement or communiqué?, beyond
this kind of burden to AP* Retreat
.look into collaboration with AP at large.
Agreed to AP* as the input method
..response to ICANN reformation proposal
What should be the right manner of Internet governance
. statement from
the WG can be circulated to all the groups.
If having organizational endorsement is difficult, then have personal endorsement
the Ghana meeting-
Will have meeting after APTLD meeting and after at large meeting at APRICOT.
Asia Pacific At Large (KRNIC) by
Ms. Hye-Young Kang
ICANN structure - at large structure
WHO members- individuals, NGOS, ISPs, Governments, etc
Qualification names, physical address, and e-mail addresses
Membership drive- Feb- July
Nominations May-Sep
Dialogue (Sep to Oct)
Voting- 1st to 10th Sept- worldwide online election
Monitoring and evaluation
158,593 members
.active is 7,183 members
are from Asia Pacific.
Recent statistics have shown that 28% will be 143.99 million users
US 35%
Meetings- Nov 2001 ICANN Marina Del Ret
Mar 2002- APRICOT Bangkok/Thailand (4th March BOF meeting)
Aug 2002- AP* meeting Shanghai/China.
Action Plan- interim secretariat and chair
Outreach- local Internet community, forum or workshop
Discuss issues of the ICANN reform proposal suggested.
Reformation proposal if accepted by the Board- concept of at large may not exist anymore
AP Joint Secretariat Report by Pensri.A.
AP Joint Secretariat Interim Board-
Toru Takahashi
Hiro Hota
YJ Park
Xing Li
Paul Wilson
Wen-Sung Chen
AP* Retreat
Events and secretariat, update calendar and other info on web sites, coordination
of secretariat activities, database
on IT related organizations (10 countries -50 organizations)
Apsec.org (th.apsec.org, kr.apsec.org)
Do we still need AP* secretariat- might be merged to APNG? Issue that what about AP* Retreat?
Paul Wilson said that AP* is just a meeting, which could also
be an APNG event. It is an event, an organizer, have
a content chair, etc.
seen as an APNG meeting, AP* in event management,
current secretariat group could be
organize events, possibly AP Outreach without taking responsibility for the
from AP outreach group
challenge for APNIC to organize training events two every month
..outsource to help the group
Kilnom- why not APNG retreat
there were reservations
was 3 years ago, things may have changed
would you like to coordinate with APNG as well
.if you can manage
more organizations then can make sense
To avoid confusion, strongly urges not use the term of AP* retreat
sec, but AP* sec. Thai branch is the home branch
and that is their responsibility to make sure AP* Retreat is hosted twice a
Paul- APJS should not be an organization of its own. It should
be seen as a service organization or CO, with BoD
no open governance structure
..discussion to have it as a separate legal
entity a a services group with BoD from
various groups deciding on what the
APIA report by Hirofumi HOTTA
25 Members
Partnership development-most importantly, with AP* organizations
Regular updates by AP* in newsletter
Coordinated efforts in organizing the meetings, APOPS, APNIC, touring SIG, APNIC
Hope to collaborate research paper with AP* next
Partnership program with US Chamber of Commerce
-Global business Networking Program
-Free membership subscriptions offer till 31st March.
Strategic Planning on 3rd March
-Emphasis on collaboration and coordination
-Wider representation among the board/advisors
-Continuously look for opportunities
Strategic Plan
-APRICOT ad APIA proposal
-Representation to regional/international bodies
A13 update- WIDE project report by Prof.Suguru Yamaguchi
Established in 1995, satellite Internet testbed for R&D, using
Kuband, and band, since 2001 for UDL.
Research consortium
..develop technologies for leading edge as well as
ones for sustainable Internet development
in AP region.
Sri Lanka, HK, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Japan
of the connections
UDL- unidirectional with multicast to multiple stations
..P to P, Point
to multipoint
. 12 M- DV quality image
. .
started with e-learning/distance learning *schooling on the Internet (SOI).
SOI partner
..Malaysia- JAD program, YPM college
Thailand- Chulalongkorn University
Laos- National University of Laos
Indonesia- Universities
Special course- "Introduction to the Internet" Keiko
Network Architecture
Bio science
IT special lectures- JAIST and KEIO
IT Basics-translated
Receiver only site- $1,000 only
special equipment by SONY (UDLP receiver-decoded
and depacke)
convert signal
.to router
..terrestrial link for uplink
Thailand and Laos is with upstream, Myanmar is not with upstream
it has
only 4MBPS out from Myanmar which is shared
therefore no upstream
to get good quality for education
Malaysia and Japan-agreement between the governments, in this program they are
JAD twinning program
first year
study in Malaysia, with local and Japanese teachers, then move to Japan university
after that
Ministry of Education of Japan, and Ministry of Foreign Affairs are interested
in expanding this to other countries
SOI Asia is now a technical trial
..educational activities ,,,,if expand
to generic areas of activities, then need dedicated
resources to serve this service for that purpose stable
..Technology is
still being stabilized,,,,,
Funding- under APEC Tel APII working group
.MPT therefore
pays for it
UDP technology for JP govt. and NASDA (bandwidth
Earth station by local
SOI Asia by METI, JP govt ..
Effort to merge the budget from JP government to A13 project.
-e-Asia commitment
-G8 Summit in Okinawa
-Play more on A13 infrastructure
-can apply to MPT
News from JP- IETF 54-held in Yokohama (July 14th to 19th in 2002)
Security related meeting- APSIRCC in Tokyo in March 25-27 by JPCERT/invited
-APSIRCC in Australia in May by AUSCERT-open for attending
Japan will look
into Cambodia and East Timor
as well.
A13 meeting in Temasek poly April 11th to 17th (open meeting)
APWINC report by Jin Hee An
· Online learning canter project with UNESCO and UNDP.
· To promote women's status through active information efforts in AP
· To solve Gender Digital Divide
· Women's Informatization and women-related communication technologies
· Web based women and ICT
· ICT educational training
· International E-Biz forum distinguished lecture series
· Publication for women
Update on Internet Training Center by Dr.Kanchana Kanchanasut
Permanent Internet training center at AIT to address human resource
development in Asia Pacific region.
Mostly Asian countries are not well developed so always they need to import
someone from outside to help them
with technical setup.
Focus will be on technology and engineering issues
Past activities- ISOC workshop at INET, APRICOT, APNIC training, etc
country workshops"
The Idea was based that instead of sending experts to different countries, we
should provide training to the trainer. So
that is more sustainable development rather then some one to send to those countries
to help them.
Short courses for ISP engineers, etc
Centralized lab and library (getting support from network startup research canter)
Trainers will be local and international expert.
Going to seek trainers
.no in house trainers, rely on experts that come
to APRICOT, etc
.keep timetable for people
to come, etc
APNIC- mobile training, ISP engineers
..proposal to support to get funding
for these activities
.trainers sent to different countries to train ISP
.join two concepts together
ISOC may like to support
the concept of permanent
training canter
..hope that Japanese governments can support this concept
SOI Asia link is there to allow them
to receive materials from the global studio, and one in Palo Alto and one in
can invite trainers in US as well
using SOI Asia
ORG-Alliance and cydentity plan by YJ Park
ICANN created for domain name policy oversight
ICANN - Verisign agreement on divesture of .org & .net.
.org registry divesture due 2002 and .net registry divesture due in 2006.
Global entity to bid for .org
No registry in this region-technical transfer from US to this region
Most challenging thing----how to form the non commercial registry
"Org alliance"
started as Asia initiative,
want to get global participation
..if we see current ration:
registered by US citizens
.want to bring the registry
to Asia to make this .org as global as possible
..invite organizations
from LA, Africa, etc
Progress of org alliance
..other regions not interested except
in US
.likely to have members from US and from Asia
to build a new entity , collective effort to reach to organizations
and Japan
.would like to see other
countries to join the effort
incorporated likely in Singapore
or Malaysia for tax reasons
.Org alliance
schedule- 1st meeting on 2nd March, 2nd in London (with Europe and US) 8th and
9th, and 3rd in Accra 14th,
4th in April, 5th May, 6th June
..if substantial support
No secretariat or Interim Board members after get commitment from potential
founding members
Introduce cydentity
.technical transfer from US to Asia
..this entity
will be set up in US and in Virginia close to Verisign
with organizations will be a subcontract relationship
multiyear, pre-defined relationship,
Funding- seed $1m to cover initial cost of submission of bid-raising money
far it has gone smoothly
..Will get the
investors will invest further if the Board selects dot org alliance
Follow-up round of $5m (contingent on bid winning)
Management and employee benefit
Initial investors and Initial shareholders agreement, hire and start legal counsel
(Brett Fausett..), biz plan for internal review
circle process
By April, will get everything up and running
plan..may apply for "new gTLD" registry in 2003
Felt this as an open discussion forum
Diane Cabell- Harvard centre
function as prototype secretariat
with ICANN
..Harvard brookman canter proposing commerce in .org
say they will proposal of AP* and will support APL
.truly noncommercial
.so they want to ensure they have financial support from .org
..objections from Mike Roberts
was designed for noncommercial registrant
What would .org alliance do??
Surplus fund for E-training, outreach or digital divide
they any specific demands from our own region
?- what is relation from AP* and org alliance
decided to have a meeting
then first needed 2 hours
Prof. Kilnam- public relations
.global alliance with a strength in Asia Pacific
felt have meeting in AP
.time slot for today was the best time
content may be valid for AP*
..third choice
,why not in AP ?.relationship is more of public relation
to AP*
Jun Murai is willing to be member of org alliance, and JPNIC is
willing to be member of org alliance
context to be put into context
Prof. Kilnom points out why doing this even though so busy
..as YJ Park said
.Asia Pacific
should have a gTLD
..not saying exclusively
..very naively,,,,,,,.com.net
.org and then diversify
..one to
Europe and one to Asia Pacific
.we have to fight to grab it
is the first motivation and the second motivation
involved rather than outside and watching
having a gTLD or not
.talked to many countries
and realized that this may be a good way for technology transfer
well managed
be a useful resource for developing countries
from having it in Asia Pacific we can do more for it
Prof. Kilnom----------members-----------global alliance with members
in AP..Korea and Japan
with NA, and lesser in Africa and Europe
for org alliance
to get broad spectrum of organizations
..all the way
from civil society to big corporations
people that whoever who
had .org domain name are potential members
restricted to any one particular sector
..don't want
to see dominance by any single group
..e.g. big companies,
nor civil society, etc
one potential problem is ccTLD
outside of US and Europe, we don't have many organizations with keen interest
in domain names
TWNIC, etc
to be careful not to have dominance by ccTLDs
have a potential danger
Chile NIC
OK to have minorities
Structure between Cydentity and org alliance
by Task Force
only non commercial association can make a proposal
same time there is consensus about registry of this site cannot be run by non
.professional organizations has to run
(3M onwards)
have to have commercial and
noncommercial entity
some major US registries talking to non
commercial organizations or same in Europe
one way to do it
may not be too popular
commercial like Nominet, tried to get an alliance is another
way of doing
..in AP looked at couple of options just like
..CTLD e.g. KRNIC, etc
.1/4 million or ? million to
work on proposal, unlikely to win against Nominet
.want to
have global entity rather than a local entity
..Nominet looking
to Franco-Brotish alliance
to compete against these
.our best strength
is global
.create a new one
.to run technical operation
a choice
1) work with verisgin, 2) make a new
venture, 3) combination
.. right now taking 2nd or 3rd
on how quickly can
choice 1)- obvious regardless but they don't want to
2)- idea from AFFILIAS- alliance and operation company
from scratch
compromise is they suggest may be better off at
least initially to outsource some of operations
.may be more attractive and technically stable
compete with Verisign
initially org alliance will have some shares in cydentity
a contract between the two
how to
build up technical -outsource or in-house
by doing it this way,
Funding- preparation of bid will cost $1M
this group will win the bid
..additional $4M
one million is coming from venture funds
to $200,000 and big companies
.NTT, KDDI, etc
Singapore- VCs
received positive response talking to biggest organizations .Fujistsu Dr. Ho is working with VC, in Singapore or Korea by April 12th,
Initial is the same people
.only one person of Cydentity
will be on org alliance without voting powers
Asia Pacific- Chain CNNIC
Korea- KRNIC
Taiwan -TWNIC, Academia Seneca
Malaysia- MIMOS
Others, e.g. NECTEC
USA- CDT, American Library Association, EPIC, ACM, Media Access Project, CPSR
Europe, TERENA
Latin America
Some of these people coming to London meeting-
Who are investors- HK- VCs
Tokyo-KDD, VCS, etc open to 1M raised
Who are founders ..they are initiators ..org VC was a compromise .if could attract NGO monies .to be heard reality wanted to org space but reality is cannot ..members of .org alliance 10 already in his mind ..
April 12th to sign the MOU with financial commitment want 20 or more to start with .good geographical diversity ..not all should come from AP non voting $1,000 and voting is $3,000
Committed member- say that Berkman and others say this is the greatest structure ..not typical non commercial and technical competence and stability . Cannot see how to persuade APIA Board to be a member of org alliance..
Hiro Hotta
1) motivation of this to setup in outside and Europe,,,,,,
2) viewpoint of NICS having operational experience of TLDs especially for global
TLDs, maybe the job of cydentty
if so, NICs should join cydentity
Kilnam Chon- how to make it attractive to APIA?// merit to join
.why kind
of change to make
fundamentally good
idea and have to do the packaging correctly
.org alliance will manage
.cydentity only does technical
.or cydentity does marketing
when talk to NIC interest
not financial but first technical and second- alliance
.or get funding
from bug companies
Let them propose how to make these changes
YJ Park- substantial benefit of being member of org alliance
alliance will oversee cydentity
and policy, etc
..org alliance with permanent relationship
to ICANN. ..org alliance will set up projects which can
be funded by org alliance
..hope to get many activities
Kilnom: arguing this way---------AP more than 50% of Internet users
Prof. Wen-Sung Chen said that we need to bring more organizations
to participate in org-Alliance . is it possible to have 2 categories? interest
in the concept
funding members
could get endorsement
..friends of all
criteria is not clear
sent out survey to
the organizations she listed, et .if have specific proposal or suggestion
Your comments on this report