AP* Retreat, Busan, Korea
August 24, 2003
Venue: The Busan Marriott Hotel
Chaired by Kilnam Chon
Revised Draft Agenda:
09:00 - 09:15 1. Roll Call
09:15 - 10:15 2. AP* Organization and Meeting Reports - session chair: Pensri A.
APNetabuse/APCAUCE - Jeonghye Choi
APOPS - Philip Smith
APTLD - Ian Chiang
APIA/APRICOT - Abhisak Chulya
AP* secretariat - Pensri A.
WSIS - Izumi Aizu
ALIRE/intERLab - Kanchana Kacnchanasut
APNIC - Paul Wilson
APNG - Xing Li
10:15 - 10:45 COFFE BREAK
10:45 - 12:00 3. VoIP Policies in Asia - session chair: Kanchana Kanchanasut
VoIP (or phone over the Internet) is becoming increasingly
common in asia, and we would like to visit
what is going on among various countries.
Thailand - Donyaprueth Krairit
Korea - JongHoon Park
Japan - Hirofumi Hotta
12:00 - 13:30 LUNCH (@ your own cost)
13:30 - 14:30 4. Root Server Mirroring with Anycast - session chair: Suguru Yamaguchi
There are offers from several root server sites to have the mirror sites
in Asia and around the world. We would like to visit this issue to find out
what is the current status, and what value does it offer to each country.
Copy F/ISC - Joao Damas (via VDO conf)
Copy M/WIDE - Akira Kato (via VDO conf)
14:30 - 15:45 5. Internet History (Museum) in Asia - session chair: Kilnam Chon
The Internet history is over 20 years in Asia, and several countries
are working on archiving the history. We would discuss the history from
various perspectives; technology, media, history, and museum.
We also would like to collaborate to develop the Asian history of the Internet.
ISOC - Pensri A.
Asia-Pacific and Korea - Kilnam Chon
Japan - Kazunori Konishi
Making A Korean Internet History: From Users' Perspective - Myungkoo Kang
15:45 - 16:15 COFFEE BREAK
16:15 - 17:30 6. Regional Networking - session chair: Shigeki Goto
APAN and its peer group are working on development of regional R&E networking.
In addition, APNIC and its peer group are working on outreach in
various regions in Asia. We would like to visit what is happening
in all regions of Asia, and discuss on future collaboration.
North Asia - Kazunori Konishi
Pacific - George McLaughlin
South East Asia - Royol Chitradon
South Asia - Kilnam Chon
West Asia (EUMED Project) - David West
17:30 - 18:00 7. ICANN/ALAC - session chair: Izumi Aizu
18:00 - 18:15 8. Others and Future Meetings - session chair: Kilnam Chon
19:00 - 21:00 Dinner, walking distance (USD20 or less @your own cost)
Last modification: 23 August 2003