Meeting minutes
APJS board meeting
29 August 2002
Location: Shanghai, China
Participants: Toru Takahshi, Xing
Li, Kilnam Chon (for Prof. YJ Park),
Paul Wilson, Hirofumi Hotta, B.K. Kim and Pensri A.
Meeting started at 12.30am (local time)
The meeting discussed the following topics:
Company establishment:
- 'Asia Pacific Joint Secretariat, Ltd.' has already been registered as a one
dollar company in British Virgin Island since 31st May 2002.
- The process of opening the bank account in British Virgin Island will finish
in September 2002.
- The company has 2 directors, BK Kim and Pensri A.
- The cost of establishment is approximately USD10,000.
APJS's Services
1. Secretariat
2. Events coordination/management
3. Outreach activity management
Members of APJS
- Currently, APJS members are AP* organizations
- Need to find more members
1. Services Expenses
a. Secretariat support
b. Event management
c. Outreach activity management
2. Income
a. Membership fee
b. Service contract
The ccTLD secretartiat and APOutreach activity are self sustainable services
but ap* retreat secretariat activity is a lose money activity. The meeting
agreed that ap* retreat is needed so the membership fee will be collected to
cover the expenses of ap* retreat secretariat activity.
- Basic: the members will receive the event
coordinator/management services
as a bottom line service
- Intermediate: the members will receive
secretariat and event
coordinator/management services
- Individual: can receive meeting information
and attend the meeting.
- Sep - Oct 2002:
* Finish Incorporation process
* Bylaws and membership
* Getting membership fee
* Bidding for APRICOT secretariat
- Nov - Dec 2002: voting for the new board members
- Feb 2003: APJS member and board meeting in Taipei during APRICOT2003
The meeting finished at 2pm (local time).