Retreat (closed meeting)
27 February'2000 ( 09.30-18.00)
at Rose (2nd floor), Sheraton Walker Hill, Seoul |
Present: |
Kilnam Chon (APTLD and APAN) |
Paul Wilson (APNIC)
M. Anandakrishnan (INDIA-Tamil Nadu State Council for Higher Education)
Pindar Wong
Tan Tin Wee (APNG)
Izumi Aizu (APIA)
Shigeki Goto (APNG)
Li Xing
Hualin Qian, guest (CNNIC)
Bill Manning (UCLA)
Kanchana (THNIC)
Gitanjali Talwar (APTLD) |
1. i Name /
A/P Tan Tin Wee gave a briefing to the attendees about the history
and background of i-DNS.
In the Tokyo meeting a resolution
was taken by the AP leaders to realise the need to coordinate multilingual
activities and work towards their goals.
Prof. K. Chon expressed the
importance for the AP region to co-ordinate the multilingual activities,
particularly because we do not have much experience and resources
MINC will work as an international
organisation for co-ordination of multilingual domain names and
the aim of this consortium is to encourage e-commerce in Asia-Pacific
Goals of i-DNS will consist
of a clear understanding of where people are going and harmonise
the work between the various AP*organisations.
It might take 6 months to start
the process for harmonisation of activities of i-DNS.
The main topic of discussion
was whether it should be a commercial or a non-commercial organisation.
- Pindar Wong realises
that it should have a global standard with a commercial tone to them.
It would require registration and this in
turn would avoid conflict of interest.
- Kuo-Wei-Wu claimed that it should avoid conflict of interest in
the mechanism.
- Toru Takahashi believes that operation is very important.
Internet has
essentially gone commercial, this commercial investment should be
respected, it does not affect the neutrality.
- Paul Wilson disclosed that
ARIN meeting at APNIC, this was an incredibly sensitive issue.
Everyone agreed that separate commercial interest is fine, but there
is a need for involvement of the stakeholders.
- Izumi pointed out that commercial interests needs to be integrated.
we can not separate them and fragment them.
A consensus
was achieved to call it a commercial organisation because it is
NGO recognised by government.
Operational Issues
1. There are a number of
languages are up and running - among them. there are 55 languages
that are being tested. However, at present
there are only 4 languages that are working. There is a need for a
collective committee to manage the work.
2. It is a significant to
come up with AP*. There is an agreement and give recommendation
to ISO.This is an international treaty oganisation.
3. Try to forge a united front
with non-profit as well as profit organisations to work together
where APNG will act as a leader taking up
the leadership role.
The Implementation models that
MINC can follow is W3C consortium model or it should achieve a deal
with ICANN. It should have more restricted scope. W3C had MIT as
neutral bed to harmonise commercial interests. The question is whether
we have that neutral body or not?
The MINC should
be an open system. First it should look at the AP region and then
move towards the global market. It should be realised that
the AP* organisations should be a part of globalisation. There is
encouragement needed for the AP* organisations to take an active
role in this process of globalisation.
work is done but there is an urgent need for e-commerce to be a
part of businesses throughout the AP region and beyond. Therefore,
there is a need to create awareness among the businesses of the
AP region.
The main strategy would be to go forward in an integrated fashion
with co-operation which in turn will bring a win-win situation.
Design philosophy
1. iDNS should not
be monopolised by the commercial and non-commercial community
2. iDNS should be designed
according to the current country law
Issues = conflict opinions ? don't want an organisation in the form
of i-ICANN
Registration for domain name i.e. Japanese symbols
Domain name system is the needed to establish infrastructure of
AP region
Standard of the Domain Name System should be topic of discussion
Should localise the dispute name policy
It is important to see that they are responsible for the JP domain
name space
Therefore, dispute name space is a critical issue and hence needs
a dispute settlement body to resolve these issues- regulating body
Technical/management/ regulating bodies
Database of the AP star
organisations should be available on their respective
web sites and this requires stability
KRNIC- Naming committee in Korea
JPNIC - Naming committee in Japan
items under
the domain name support
Policy to be designed to help in the creation of domain name support
it is written in Korean ! an issue!
Internet should be able to be accessed by all the people alike!
People from all the countries should be respected.
Lang and coding issue: respect the decision of the coding of the
differnt countries
Note: Respect ccTLD. ?seeking the issues- not ignoring it!
India's situation
Interest in tamil language
2 or 3 states that use tamil in India
Dr. M.Anandakrishnan from Tamil Nadu (India)
Even Telgu speaking people
Tamil speakers everywhere- Fiji, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia,New Zealand
Achieved ? 28-35 encodings
Help them to confront the problem of the infrastructure in India
Launching many languages in India
But resources are needed
India has not participated in APTLD meetings
Progress in the Domain Name system for Tamil speakers
- Tamil internet
- International forum
- Endorsed as an org ? Tamil internet conference in Singapore
Thai domain
name system
- Joined iDNS system
- Language domain name ? Thai domain name sys with English domain
- Government putting this in to place in Thailand
Korean Domain
Name Sytem
Prof. Kilnam Chon
Started in early 1980s DNS /gTLd
Need a new system to co-ordinate because they are losing control
Global organisations
- Unicode
- W3C
Next meeting would be a steering
committee meeting. APNIC would be involved, APIA would not be directly
involved, but the members would be involved, APTLD have agreed to
be involved and it will be difficult for APNG toparticipate.
Needed: Internalisation
of the Internet coupled with Internet internationalisation.
2. AP star
Web Consortium:
There is an urgent need to form the web consortium. They need to
first concentrate on the multilingual names and then DNSO WG to
come with the ICANN position.
- Form a working group to work
on the iDNS
- Need more resources
- We are blamed as Asia ? whats the contribution to the internet
from asia
- Only policy making
- Task group formation process
- Each country should come to consensus
- Multilingual name is going to happen with or without iDNS
- Dispute on intellectual
- On the proposal by Kilnam Chon
- WG to DNSO
- WG should be in formational
- Who should have the authority
Note: Consensus
in forming a consortium so that they can deal with dispute issues
Consensus to
be formed on 2 issues
1. DNSO WG formation
2. Multilingual Internet Name Consortium Formation
1.1. definitely not 1-Bill
1.2. postpone until consensus 12
1.3. definitely now 14
Need to form the DNSO WG formation now.
2.1. noonee
2.2. 6
2.3. 22
Need to form a Multilingual Domain Name Consortium now |
Consortium Formation |
Hualin Qian(China) |
hlqian@nic.net.cn |
Yoshiro YONEYA (Japan) |
yone@po.ntts.co.jp |
Koengsuk Kim(Korea) |
Tin Wee Tan(Singapore) |
Bill Semich(.NU) |
Kuo Wei Wu(Taiwan) |
kwu@yam.com.tw |
Gitanjali Talwar
(Singapore) |
(secretary)India |
Dr.Ananda Krishnan
/ Maninam |
Companies who are ready to donate
WG Formation
domain name is the same as ccTLD
Korea Name committee
Unofficial comment: easier to convince ICANN
Korean Name Committee wants to form the consortium ? we need to
have momentum for the suggestion to form the new working group
Japan: Individual opinion is
to have to take initiative to do something -
.jp is responsible
Taiwan: Emphasise 'where is
the trend which would be commercialised'.
They affirmed that the sovereignty should be respected.
Combodia: are interested in
the using Combodian Language
Thailand: they realise the
need to do something within the domain name. ccTLD has established
its name to translate the english domain name to the thai domain
Note: Should
develop consensus locally and not go to Icann for decision
There monopoly of the government and the internet just started
Consortium should be a technology centered organisation and a policy
centered organisation
- gTLD ? change character
will be a problem
- same Korean Hyundai can b called- Gendai ? Japan and xian dai-
- therefore should not have gTLD for multilingual domain name system
- who decides whether to have gTLD or not?
- Kilnam Chon can play a role in this ?should he do it or not?
Comment: Give
the authority to the competent body to make country-based
Policy issue
rather than a technical problem.
3. ICANN At- Large Membership (30)
4. APTLD Seminar Tour (30)
5. Future APRICOT
Pindar briefed the participants
about the history of APRICOT. In 1996 in Singapore, initiative of
former Director General, David Conrad
with 3 people had an operational forum of AP.In 1997, 2nd one was
held in Hong Kong, here there was a lot of loss of money which proved
to be bad for APNIC. In 1998 in Manila, it was marginally profitable.
In 1999 in Singapore it made lots of money, surplus of $300,000,and
$200,000 in trust by APIA. In Korea in 2000, it has been most successful.
(Pindar ) needs an exit strategy. APRICOT needs a way forward therefore
paving the way for the next generation of leaders.
6. R&D
on Internet (60)
7. AP* retreat (30)
8. Long term
scalable and systematic development
of AP human resources and future leaders (60) There is a realisation
that they have failed to
generate the next generation of leaders. They feel that the next
generation is more interested in IPO .COM because it is more attractive.
Prof.Kilnam said that it started back in 1980-81 and the next generation
has become very successful. But there is a scalability problem
9. Asia Internet
Foundation and affiliated institutions (60)
The next generation devices will include IP devices, IP everything
including sensors.This points out the fundamental structural change
inernet . Some time ago meant end to end communication and in the
new environment,end to end communication may not be applicable.
separation of Name and BIND. The Name of the device is different
from topology. People are tearing apart TCP and UDP.
There is an architectural change in Internet Protocol and Internet
itself. Now Internet also includes directory services to identify
people,authenticating people. It also includes software agents and
distribution of security keys.
By: Gitanjali Talwar ---
To be vetted and approved by: Prof. Kilnam Chon