AP* Retreat Meeting, Taipei, Taiwan
February 22- 23, 2003
Venue: Grand Hyatt Hotel
(Meeting Room "Magpie" same as APNG Camp)
Chaired by Tommy Matsumoto and Vincent W.S. Chen
Feb. 22
09:00 - 12:00am
1. Opening and Agenda Bashing by Tommy & Vincent
2. AP* Organization Activity Report
APNG (Xing Li)
APAN (Kilnam Chon)
APNIC (Paul Wilson)
AI3 (Suguru Yamaguchi)
APIA (Kyoko)
APOPS (Philip Smith)
APRICOT (Philip Smith)
APCAUCE/APNetabuse (Jeonghye Choi)
APJS (Pensri)
3. AP* SEC issues (Pensri)
APJS funding, collective collaboration mechanisms
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch
13:30 - 14:00 3rd APNG camp report (Anthony)
14:00 - 14:30 APNG future (Xing Li)
14:30 - 15:00 Break
15:00 - 16:20 AP Internet training/Education
(1) E-Learning project (N.S. Chen)
(2) School of Internet (Suguru Yamaguchi)
(3) AIT Internet training center (Kanchana)
16:20 - 16:30 Report from Japan (Toru Takahashi)
16:30 - 18:30 Broadband Issues (Kilnam Chon)
(1) Broadband development in AP
(2) Broadband services/deployment
(3) Broadband access/applications
(4) Broadband cultural/social issues
18:30 - 20:30 Dinner (TWNIC will host a dinner for AP* Retreat. Please meet at lobby at 18.30.)
Feb. 23
09:00 - 10:15 Internet Security (Suguru Yamaguchi)
(1) AP Security organizations
(2) AP Security efforts/projects
(3) AP security issues
10:15 - 10:30 Root Server issue (Joe Abley)
10:30 - 11:00 Break
11:00 - 12:00 1.25 Worm Incident
0. country/regional status presentations;
a. japan/suguru yamaguchi
b. korea/chon and others
c. taiwan/twcert (george chou)
d. china/xing li
e. usa/verisign (mark kosters)
f. apnic/(paul wilson)
1. general/all
1.1 why the damage was most severe in korea(and more )?
1.2 what lessons are we learning to prepare for future, more severe attacks?
2. name servers - comparative study/all
2.1 how many copies (mirroring) did we have for ccTLD, root and gTLD in what
form in each country and region?
2.2 did alternative service provision (mirroring) work in korea and other countries?
why is this the case if not.
2.3 are there any enhancements we need to have for ccTLD, root and gTLD name servers?
2.4 does it help to have the root server(1 of 13) and/or gTLD server(1 of 13)
or their copies, possibly with anycast in addition to the current caching?
3. other servers(portal,...)/all
3.1 do we need any major enhancement for the domestic and/or global internet infrastructure
internet infrastructure to help various service providers to avoid server interrupts like 1.25?
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch